
Tax Attorney – IRS Releases Tax Audit and Tax Collection Results for 2009

Los Angeles Tax Attorney:

Internal Revenue Service IRS
released information on its tax audit and tax collection activity results from 2009. Tax Audit, Tax Collection and Tax Audit Category base on income can be found here .

Interesting points to note:

1) IRS Collected through tax levies and tax liens $48.9 Billion Dollars last year. However that was about $7 Billion less than in 2008.

2) IRS audited 1,099,639 tax returns last year which shows an increasing trend over the last 10 years. It is expected that IRS will increase its tax audit by 3.5% in 2010.

3) If you make less than $200,000, your chances of getting audited is about 1%.

4) If you make between $200,000 and million dollars, your chances of getting audited is about 3%.

5) If you make more than $1,000,000, your chances of getting audited is about 6.5%.

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