Articles Posted in TAX AUDIT


California Tax Attorney:

Here is a quick summary of a recent US TAX COURT case against the Internal Revenue Service to challenge the taxpayer’s right to deduct donations to a Catholic Church. The case involves a married couple who got audited by the Internal Revenue Service concerning donations they deducted on their Internal Revenue Service Form 1040 tax return.

Anonymous U.S. Tax Petitioners v. COMMISSIONER OF Internal Revenue Service

Los Angeles Tax Attorney:

Here is a quick summary of a recent US TAX COURT case against the Internal Revenue Service to challenge the taxpayer’s right to deduct tax losses from a “S” Corporation. The tax case involves an attorney who claimed a loss from his incorporated law practice on his individual IRS Form 1040 tax return. IRS charged taxpayer with penalties and interests based on improper tax deduction.

R.WEISBERG et al v. COMMISSIONER OF Internal Revenue Service

Los Angeles Tax Attorney:

Internal Revenue Service IRS

released information on its tax audit and tax collection activity results from 2009. Tax Audit, Tax Collection and Tax Audit Category base on income can be found here .

Pasadena Tax Attorney:

Here is a quick summary of a recent US TAX COURT case against the Internal Revenue Service to challenge the tax deductibility of medical expenses incurred by taxpayers. The case involves taxpayers who deducted medical expenses related to in-vitro fertilization.


Torrance Tax Attorney:

Here is a quick summary of a recent US TAX COURT case against the Internal Revenue Service to challenge the taxability of lawsuit settlement funds. The case involves money settlement received by a taxpayer from a class action against the US Air Force.



California Sales Tax Audit Attorney:

A California subcontractor who has furnished and installed materials or fixtures for a general or prime contractor must pay California sales tax on the materials cost or in the case of non U.S. contractors the retail selling price of the fixtures installed. California BOE Sales Tax rules require a subcontractor who has furnished and installed materials or fixtures for a prime contractor must pay tax on the cost of the materials or in the case of non U.S. contractors the retail selling price of the fixtures installed.

Sales Tax Attorney

California Sales Tax Problem BOE Sales Tax audit levels have been increasing in recent years as California budget problems creates additional need for enforcement and collection of existing sales taxes.

One the most common targets for California Sales Tax Audits in recent years has been owners of gas and service stations. Under the Sales and Use Tax Law, the sale or use of merchandise, including fuel, is taxable. For an auto repair business or service station, tax generally applies to sales or use of all of the following:

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